Tuesday, November 07, 2006


A very foggy,cold,damp day today so no trips out. Mick managed breakfast well and I got him into his armchair. We've only had his armchair for a few months; we went on a long walk to Homebase with Manda and co. and it was on sale there - HALF PRICE! Previously if Mick was out of bed he had to sit in his wheelchair, which isn't very comfortable for long periods. We only have sofas and they are too close to the floor to get the hoist under. I did try putting bricks under one to raise it off the ground but it didn't seem very safe and when I did get Mick sitting on it,it was awkward to keep him propped upright. Anyway, when I saw this chair I immediately realised that I would be able to get the hoist feet around the central leg of the chair. Needless to say out came the credit card and the deal was done. The only problem was 'HOW do we get it home?' Although it came flat packed it was far too large and heavy to carry for any distance - though Chris (bless him) did offer to try. Homebase said they could deliver but it could take 10 days. I know it sounds morbid but from day to day we never know if Mick has 10 more days. Homebase were very helpful though and phoned a cab, and Manda and the cab driver took the chair home and then Manda met us back at McDonalds (Mick does love a McFlurry). Then it was just a case of walking back home, popping Mick back into bed, having a fun time assembling the chair and HEY PRESTO mission accomplished. The chair is sooooo comfortable and as it can lean back at different angles it is nice for Mick to have a little doze in but still feel involved when we have visitors, as he is not stuck up the end of the room in bed.
All that explained I'll get back to what I was started saying. I got Mick out of bed this morning and put him in his chair, put a DVD of the 1966 World Cup on the computer and placed it on a small table in front of him.
Well as soon as he heard the commentator say "Bobby Charlton" his head lifted and his eyes opened! He dozed in and out whilst the match was playing but every time the crowed roared he would take a peek and watch for a few moments. I really think he has had a nice morning and it makes my heart sing.

1 visitors have commented:

Icarus said...

Evening Ruth & Mick, I've been away for a couple of days, but just reading this account of the '66 DVD made me think, "I wish Booby Charlton himself could read this".
Now, I wonder.....
Does Mick support any team?