Saturday, November 04, 2006


Stretched our anniversary out to an extra day as Lynn and Leanne both came to stay. Usually, because of lack of sleeping space, it is difficult for Leanne to stay over when Lynn is here (Leanne having three lovely children). As the children stayed with their dad this weekend its been nice for Lynn and Leanne to catch up with each other.

They both brought lovely anniversary gifts with them; a Dan Browne audio tape book and a lovely lava lamp. We plugged the lamp in and waited patiently for it to warm up so we could see the effect. Typically the first "globule" rose just when I had popped upstairs for a while.

I wanted to cook them a nice roast dinner and so Lynn went Tescos to get the necessary food. She came back with a HUGE chicken (think it was chicken - looked like a small turkey!) which cooked up lovely. Nice empty plates at the end so reckon they enjoyed it.Mick did well; although it took some time to eat and his throat was really rasping, he managed to eat most of it.

Being Guy Fawkes Day tomorrow there were lots of fireworks going off . Tried to get some photos but they didn't turn out very well as they were to far away.

It reminded me of last year when we all got together, wrapped Mick up warm and pushed him out into the garden and Chris let off some fireworks Lynn had bought. He put the Catherine Wheels on the back gate and they looked lovely. The only problem was we didn't think about the plastic clematis support which promptly MELTED. The fireworks were great though and it was so funny watching Chris trying to light them and find a space to run off to before they went off - we have so many plants in the garden there's not much room to RUN.

5 visitors have commented:

Mauigirl said...

Ruth, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am so sorry to read about your husband's brain cancer. It is a terrible thing, I know. I had a friend from work who was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor in January of 2000. She had surgery and radiation but despite that she only lived 9 months. She was 36 years old. I can only imagine what you are going through with your husband but it sounds as if you are making the most of every day together. Best wishes on your anniversary. I'll check your blogs often...

Icarus said...

And I hope you even managed to stretch it into a third day! Also, I liked the first fireworks photo, it looks like some faraway spectacular spatial event, like in 2001: A Space Odyssey!
May the skies light up for you & Mick and bring down peaceful days & nights.

RUTH said...

Thanks folks for your kind words. The size of that chicken I reckon the anniversary dinner will dinner will last into a 3rd day!!!

RJ x

Anonymous said...

I'm late...I neglected all my dear friends...i'm so sorry...
Happy happy anniversary, the photos are great and the chicken turkey must have been delicious...
I kiss you all...
thank you Ruth for your visists, you're such a darling

herhimnbryn said...

Happy anniversary.
have left another comment on yr other blog too.
Thankyou so much for the comment you left on my Garden post. Please drop by again. I will be dropping by yr blog regularly now.