Friday, March 09, 2007


This is definitely one of those "I'll never forget" days.....first there is the exciting news that Talj & Andrew are coming to visit next Saturday and now Gene, another of my blog friends, has awarded me this

and given my blog the most wonderful review. I had read his yesterday's post in which he said he intended to give an award and asking for people to put their blogs forward, but never even considered entering mine so this came as a complete surprise! It's doubly special coming from Gene as his blog is so full of wit and humour and BRILLIANT cartoons. I think the first time I ever visited his blog my comment was something along the lines "As soon as I saw the cartoon at the top I just knew I would love your blog"...............I didn't realise then that he was actually the author of the cartoons! Also when your read his blog you come to realise that as well as having a fantastic sense of humour he is also a really lovely guy............when he wrote about how much he missed his wife while she was a was a real "ahhhhhhhhh" post. I'm sure many of you are already admirers of his....but if his blog has escaped you just click on the award above.

8 visitors have commented:

CG said...

More great news; well deserved award Ruth!! Hurray for you :)

talj said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Great news Ruth and very well deserved!!!!! :o) xxxx

Peaceful/Paisible said...

you deserve it Ruth!!!!told you you're the best, yesterday was the women's day in France, so there 's a special POST FOR YOU in Plumpiemousie...
love from Mousie

Audrey said...

Cant think of anyone more deserving Ruth. Congratulations :)

Enjoy your day x x Auds

Claire said...

You deserve one of these every day!

AnalĂ­a said...

Good for you!!! we know you deserve it dear friend. Congratulations!!!

Shaz said...

Well done, you deserve this award more than any other blogger ever will x x x

Crazy Working Mom said...

Congrats...he's a sweetie, and if he enjoys your blog, it's gotta be good!