Sunday, November 26, 2006


We had intended to take a walk down to Farm Foods this morning but the rain started and I decided it wasn't a good idea. Mick had a quiet but reasonable start to the day. We started listening to the Radio Kent gardening show and all seemed well. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before, (I can't think if we've had any storms since I started blogging) but thunderstorms seem to have a bad effect on Mick since he became ill. Maybe it's something to do with all those positive and negative ions or something - I'm no scientist - but we noticed that when a storm was brewing Mick would become extra lethargic and have more of his petit mal type funny turns.
This morning was a scary one in this respect; it had been raining steadily for a little while and I could hear the static crackles on the radio. All of a sudden Mick gave out the most heart rending groan. If it's possible to shout a groan - well that's what Mick did. At the same time there was a mighty flash of lightning; all the lights in the room flickered, Mick's ripple bed alarm went off and there was a massive crash of thunder. I make no apologies for what I am about to say. If you have young children in the room please cover their ears.

IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the thunder and lightening I hasten to say. No it was Mick's blood curdling groan. I know it only lasted seconds but it seemed an eternity. A hundred thoughts flashed through my mind; not now! not yet! don't let this be the end!..................................

The groan finally stopped and Mick fell asleep. He was breathing - I consoled myself with this thought because in my heart I was terrified that he would not wake again.

It was only about 11 o'clock by then. I think? To be honest I'm not sure. Suddenly time had no meaning. I sat there for however long it was; waiting, just waiting...................

At ten to twelve; this Time I know is right because I looked at the clock; Mick roused a little and his eyes opened. JOY OF JOYS!!!! He started to lick his lips; it was getting near lunch time. Lynn phoned and he kept his eyes open through her whole conversation. I made him some soup. Admittedly he only ate a few spoonfuls before he dozed off again but at least he managed to eat and swallow something!

I take no credit for this photograph; it just happened to be on my computer.

I had put this post into draft mode when I typed it up as I wanted to see how the rest of the day went. I am pleased to report that Mick is doing very well. As he seemed to have suffered no ill effects from his "episode" this morning Manda and I gave him a kitchen shower. I really think he enjoyed it. When I poured the first jug of water over his head I said "Is the temperature OK darling" and he said "Yes". He also did very well raising his right arm on his own!!!! so that I could wash underneath his armpits. When I'm washing under them I often sing "Underneath the armpits" to the tune of "Underneath the arches" ( for those outside the UK who may not know - or those within the UK who will not admit they are old enough to know) this was an old musical hall type song by Flanagan and Allen.

Well dinner is nearly cooked; a bit later tonight so Mick could have an after shower doze, so I must away. We are having SPATCHCOCK POUSSIN with POMMES DE TERRE DANS GRAISSE and CHOU SAVOY. Actually its flattened out little chicken with roast potatoes and cabbage but Mick and I would often "tart" up a simple dinner by making up a posh name for it!!!

4 visitors have commented:

Anonymous said...

V entertaining. What's his patch for? I'm new to this blogging thing. Hope this gets to you.

Icarus said...

Ruth, now I KNOW you are really something! You had a morning like this, which must have really knocked you out too, and then made time to write all that to me' You cannot be functioning on normal terriestrail beings' time. It must really have been terrifying for you. Hope all is peaceful now.

Anonymous said...

hello in the lighthouse? Mick, Ruth? can you hear me , where are the stairs?
I love it over there, the view is you moved, good I brought some champagne, a small drop will be good for us...i invited myself the dinner seems yummy and the thunder is gone...
so nice to be with you...
kisses from Mousie, the breton mousie who likes lighthouses and the sea of course

Christina S said...

Are you a like me and sing everything that happens? My mum has a song for every occasion, and I am the same - things people say often make me burst into song. When I read the title of this post I carried on with the rest of the Queen song!!! And now you have taught me a tune to sing for when I wash under my armpits. I shall try it out tonight :-D