It had seemed liked ages since Mick and I actually stepped out into the outside world. I looked back through my blog and the last time was on the 17th of December; and that was only to pop over the local shops to get some eggs. Last night Manda asked if we fancied going out today as she too felt in need of some fresh air and exercise............well I jumped at the chance and we decided that today we would go into town. Luck was with us weatherwise; although it had rained during the night and was still very overcast it actually felt quite mild. That first gulp of fresh air did me the power of good....I think I may have even done a little skip!!!
Even in the town there was hardly anyone about. I had expected the place to be crowded with shoppers snapping up SALE bargains. I managed to pick up a couple of Christmas decorations for NEXT year at half price. No pictures of'll just have to keep visiting until next Christmas to see them!!! The best thing I bought was a fibre optic ornament similar to the white Christmas tree that had broken. The great thing is this is not just Christmas orientated so Mick will be able to enjoy it looking at it all year.
1 visitors have commented:
I too enjoyed your trip out, it made me so aware of the little things I can sometimes take forgranted.....The fibre optic ornament looks lovely, I personally find them so peaceful and relaxing to watch, Im sure both you and Mick will enjoy it..People up here are still very much in shopping mode its amazing just how busy the streets still are
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog Ruth
Hope you and Mick have a lovely day xx Audrey
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