In life events can occur that are inexplicable; the scientists and the sceptics will always try to find an answer. WHY? HOW? Today, Christmas Eve 2006 I want to share with an event that happened in early December 2005. Please don't bother to try and explain it........I will not listen.......this for me was the MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS and THE WONDER OF LOVE.
Each year on 12th Night Mick and I lovingly pack away all the Christmas decorations. Wrapping each decoration in bubble wrap or tissue paper; packing them away in their boxes. Keeping them safe and snug until December when once again they will grace us with their presence. I carefully sort through all the Christmas Cards. All the family ones and those we have sent to each other,full of sentiment and love, are kept. Stowed away in a box with all the birthday, anniversary and parents day cards we have received from those we love. This we have done since the beginning of Mick and Ruth.
Last December as Mick lay on his bed; already unable to move about, to walk, stand or feed himself, I put up the Christmas decorations in preparation for Christmas 2005. When I had finished, as I was putting all the empty boxes away, I noticed something in the bottom of the large box that had held the Christmas Tree. I reached in and got it out. It was a Christmas Card.....a Christmas card from Mick to me.........NOT the previous years card which maybe could have inadvertently been dropped in the box...No this was a card he had sent me some 6 years previously........a year that had been particularly difficult health wise and financially. These are the printed words on the card;
For my wife, my love, my friend.
Those things shared with a loving wife are the things a man cherishes all the years of his life.
No one else could understand and know me like you do.
No one else could be my love - no one else but you.
No one else could comfort me with just a look or touch,
Or make me laugh and help me to enjoy life half as much.
No one else could be for me the special, perfect blend
Of a wife who's strong, but also the most gentle caring friend.
These are the words Mick wrote;
My Darling Ruthie,
Thankyou for all your love and support especially this year.All our Christmas's are special but this one is very special. And whatever the rest of our lives is to be I want you to know I feel privileged to have had your love.
Thankyou Darling
There was no reason that this particular card with these so poignant words should have been in the box. This card had been put away with all the others, far away from the Christmas decorations, all those years before. I will never know how it got there; at the BOTTOM of the box; UNDER the Christmas Tree; I never shall. But I believe that SOMEHOW Mick wanted me to have that card and read those words AGAIN and that some special CHRISTMAS MAGIC was at work.
In January of this year I did not put that card away in the "card box"with all the new ones. I put it in with the Christmas decorations ready to come out again this year. I never expected then that My Darling would still be with me when I got it out CHRISTMAS MAGIC 2006.
For all of you who read this, be you Blogfriend or passing stranger, may you be blessed with your own CHRISTMAS MAGIC this year. Some of you I know by your blogs or emails are having a particular difficult time. For you my wish is strongest.

4 visitors have commented:
Dearest Ruth & Mick,
That is the perfect Christmas event and my gratitude goes over to you for sharing it. You are right, no explanation, except that is its own explanation. I have experienced so much of the 'beyond explicable' to know one thing for sure, and this event is one more proof. It can only happene when the feelings are so intense, the bonds so deep, that they operate on another level of consciousness. No explanation, but confidence in our learning that we are right, that this is a love so special & powerful that we can receive extra gifts just when we most need them.
Yes, that is the meaning of Blessed. And how you both deserve it! Kisssssssses & hugs all round!
This is an unconnected PS. I've been doing chores, getting ready, then in here to deal with mails. Auto-pilot brings me to your blog for updates -so well worth it! (((((HUG)))))) - and I've decided to go back to the pottering, but keep this soundtrack blaring round the apartment instead of the crass radio! XXXXX
when love is here there's nothing to explain, it's just perfect magical...Ruth we're lucky to leave with a man we love...
see you my friend
I wish you a beautiful Christmas
Oh Ruth,
Thanks for sharing this special bit of magic with us....What a beautiful gift....And thanks for your christmas wish.......just share with you that mine came true this christmas...its the little things that matter oh so much..
Bless you and Mick for sharing something so special with us today
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