I first started blogging in August of this year; my first blog Me, My Life, My Garden is still running now but I never thought that one day I would end up with THREE blogs. It soon became clear to me that there was more I wanted to record; things that didn't really belong on a blog about gardening and general life. So it was that "A Diary Of Unfortunate Events" was born.....this is the blog you are now reading........I renamed it a little while ago......just a whim on my part. Mick was first diagnosed with brain cancer some 14 months before my first blog was created so there is so much that has never been recorded. I did once, in the early days, type up a post "The First Days"............my.. it was a long one..........but it was typed in the days before I realised how temperamental Blogger can be; before I realised the benefit of saving to draft every few paragraphs............it was eaten by the Blogger Demon..........2 hours of work disappeared into cyberspace. I took it as an omen that perhaps the time was not right for those early days to go to print. Maybe one day I shall do it again.....who knows.
The reason I am mentioning all this is because there was an important event that took place that has never been acknowledged. This was the "Run For Life" that took place in July of this year; and so missed a blog posting. Lynn ran this in her Dad's name and I want to take this opportunity to remind her how proud we were of her when she completed the course. Leanne's friend Kim also ran for Mick. This was particularly moving because we don't even know her!; yet she put Mick's name along with her uncles on her t-shirt and ran for them both. So as this year is coming to a close soon I just want to say THANK YOU to both Lynn and Kim for all the training and effort they put in for Mick and hopefully some of the money they raised will go towards making sure that in the future my story and those like it will never need to be written again.


1 visitors have commented:
What can I say Ruth other than hats off to you both Lynn and Kim, and well done, a loving tribute to two very important men and a huge contribution to very important causes.........I admire you both
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