The last few days "Deja Vu" has cropped up a lot in comments and blogs. Well today I've been having JAMAIS VU. Oh it does exist- "In psychology, the term jamais vu (from the French, meaning "never seen") is used to describe any familiar situation which is not recognized by the observer" (thanks Wikapedia you put it much better than I could; and thanks Radio Essex for telling me this morning what it was called); in fact I think I probably get it more than "deja vu".
Today's example:
back ground first.......every morning for 19 months I've given Mick porridge for breakfast
my jamais vu moment..................I said to Mick this morning " Darling do you fancy some.........????????????????" do you think I could remember the word PORRIDGE. I ended up saying "Oh you know , the white stuff, cooked in milk". I don't know if that was the reason but Mick didn't eat it which is VERY unusual.
And it's not the first time JV has hit me. Sometimes it happens when I'm writing........a sort of mental block; I forget how to spell a simple word like "wich"..wicth"...."WHICH". I was looking for some music to put on this blog. There was one particular song I wanted to be included...........I COULD NOT REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE SINGER!!!!...............ONE OF HIS SONGS WAS OUR WEDDING DAY SONG!!!!!..............I could picture a "B" in my mind........Barry....Brian.........Bert.........it wouldn't come. I even tried asking Mick!!!!..........I knew he would know..........if only he could tell me. I was on the point of giving up but decided to have one more think...............NOW FOR A BIT MORE "SERENDIPITY"......................who should walk through the front door but CHRIS!!!!!.......of course.........CHRIS....CHRIS DE BURGH.................now how did I forget that!
Well I'd better get dinner on the go; I'm hoping Mick will eat well tonight. He managed a little scrambled egg and a yoghurt at lunch time but has been refusing liquid again. Still at least the bowels have been pretty regular the last few days.
Now what is it I'm cooking tonight...........f.....f....f....f...............................................................
10 visitors have commented:
Ruth, I'm taking a liking to this sticking on of French labels to these conditions. The jamais vu you've discovered for forgetfulness, I'm going to change to what I think is more appropriate, since jamais vu implies that you've seen or heard of Chris de BurgherKing in your life. Obviously not so. So how about 'déjà foutu'? This means 'already "f****d' and suits me Sir, because it is about getting too old!!!! I read your predicament and I'm saying "I know I know I know!!!"
Nice sunset. And maybe Mick conveniently decided to play 'jamais aimé'with the porridge....? He was thinking: "I've déjà vu'd enough of this stuff!". HA!
PS: You see? YOU SEE?? I told you so! A jamais foutu of my own! Between "You've" and "seen" above, whatever happened to the word "NEVER"?????? Je suis foutu!
PPS - You see? It's getting worse as I sit here! Not 'jamais foutu', but DÉJÀ foutu. C'est bien vrai, je suis foutu!! Can we change the labels to Portuguese now please?
Oh MS not Portuguese! I'm struggling enough with the French.........besides I've just found there is also a "Presque vu: almost, but not quite, remembering something. This is the 'on the tip of my tongue' feeling"
LOL and love
P.S Before I read this I was just forgetful now Im confused as well....LOL
Confucious he say: Michael J. Gelb
Oh Lord, I KNOW that name from somewhere.....
Do you two also have the delightful experience of having some vital thought in your head one instant and then next it's vanished? I keep wanting to note things down, but they're into the mystic inside 2 seconds before I can pick up a pen.
Ruth, tomight, I was watching Sky News, which of course only has one story - Ipswich (what do they mean by 'working girls' now? Are all the women employed in shops & offices etc. doing something that isn't working? What a lousy, useless euphemism!). There were shots around dusk and it looked exactly like in this phhoto you posted. Do you know Trimley? It's Essex isn't it? I know that area well. What a bad story that is.
I do not usually remark on the news as many visitors from abroad would not know what I was talking about but I think this story has gone world wide. Ipswich is only 11 miles from us and yes Trimley is close by as we are just over the border from Essex. One of the girls I believe came from Colchester where one of our daughters lives. It is all very worrying. Whatever their trade (and prostitution is probably one of the oldest) they did not deserve to suffer as they did. They were all someones mother, daughter, sister, friend. It has left many of the people in Ipswich in a state of fear. I hope that the police have arrested the right man; I would hate to think that the murderer was still at large; this time of year so many young girls are on the streets partying and who knows where he would strike next. So much sadness in this world...............
now love, let's go back to French.
first lesson, repeat after me:
Ruth, tu es notre fée...
Thankyou Mousie; I shall spread my fairy wings and fly one day.
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