I knew this morning was going to be difficult, thanks to Chris offering to go to Leanne's to stay with the children, myself, Lynn, Leanne and Mandy were able to go to the registrars and the funeral directors as a family unit. It was the first time that I had been to the registrars since Mick and I got married... Such is the fickle hand of fate. The registrar was courteous and sympathetic but even so when I saw the word "Widow" written on the certificate the enormity of no longer being known as "Mick's wife" hit me hard. The rest of the meeting passed in a blur but the one shining light was the fact that the registrar agreed to acknowledge that Mick passed away on the 6th. Having now got the official certificate we then had to go to the funeral directors to confirm the date of Mick's funeral being the 25th April. Much form filling and name signing later Leanne and I separately went to see Mick. I know you will all understand if I do not go into details... When I left I needed to get home, back to our garden. We were all feeling rather somber but as so often happens in moments like these a small ray of sunshine was waiting for us in the form of...
Lynn, Leanne and Mandy taking over this post for a while to say a huge thank you for all the heart felt messages in this special gift which came at a time that we needed them most; it is a gift we shall treasure forever. It makes us all proud to know how much Dad's life touched so many others. There are not enough words to say how grateful we are that Mum has the love and support of so many wonderful people. Even though we have never met you personally it is nice to know that there are special, amazing, thoughtful bloggers that care so much. Mum has printed out all the emails and comments that she has received which we have all read and have been deeply moved by. Ourselves and Mum have spent an afternoon full of tears and laughter reminiscing about Dad and all our fantastic memories of an always happy, everloving, devoted Father.
Right it is me back again, I must tell you about the fun evening I have had watching Leanne's endeavours to solve the last clue of the Easter Hunt Challenge.
With some help from her two sisters she managed to "crack" the code.
With great "eggs-citement" Leanne "scrambled" her answers off to Claire. She was "boiling" with glee. I have been very good and did not let her "poach" any answers off of me... Hopefully there are enough eggs jokes there and you go off home and finish the Easter Egg Hunt just to keep me quiet...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 visitors have commented:
Love and {{{HUGS}}} to you all xxx
Love and ((Hugs)) to you all xxxAuds
Dxxxx with much lovexxxx
Lots of love from me too, to all of you xxxxx
Thank you so much Ruth for the Easter Egg Hunt (do I get extra points for noticing no. 16??. . lol). You are an amazing person who gives so much back to others even when in a difficult time yourself. {{{HUGS}}} x x x
hello dear ones...i send you a little bit of sunshine with all my love...
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