Friday, April 20, 2007


At last that long list of things to do and people to inform has been done! As I finally came off the phone after the last phone call....15 minutes of hang on time.....I let out a whoop of delight. I've done all I can do for the's just a case now of waiting for replies and the inevitable form filling that will follow. If I could lay on a postal strike....just to our house.... it would give me some respite.

I had two wonderful surprises today...first of all the phone rang and it was Libby! It's the first time we had spoken to each other over the phone and she sounds as good as she writes. we chatted for quite a while abut this and that and (of course) gardening. The reason for her say how sorry she was that she wouldn't be able to be with us on Wednesday! As I said to her...the fact that she wanted to means the world to me. Surprise number two came when the post was delivered...I received a lovely birthday card from Sheila...the words on it were so perfect and when I have more time I will print them as a sidebar addition on my Photo A Day blog.
Now before I go any further I must tell you about last night....while I was having my bath that wretched corner unit in the bathroom fell down on me again.

Knowing what a ****** it is to get up again I thought I'd leave fixing it until today. Well when I'd finished with all that paperwork etc I remembered I had to fix it but thought ...the sun's can wait till later..and off I went to the garden. I started to do some potting up and needed to go to the garage for another bag of I walked through the kitchen I heard the DJ on the radio say it was Friday. Friday??? I thought...what's he on about?'s Thursday................the light IS FRIDAY and in a couple of hours Lynn would be here! and I'd got a bathroom that looked like a bomb site! I really don't know where the week has's one long blur.......................

We all had a lovely Chilli Fest this evening courtesy of didn't last long enough!...and then we (Lynn, Manda, Chris, Nicole and myself) have spent a few hours going through endless photos trying to choose some for the collage we are doing of Mick for Wednesday. there were so many photos to choose was a hard choice to make...I think we've managed to encapsulate the essence of Mick though.

I must ask Talj and Andrew if they can take a photograph of it so I can print some copies for the girls to keep. I find it difficult to photograph pictures with glass many reflections and flash images.

As a reward for our hard work we treated ourselves to Profiteroles for supper....I had a pack of plain ones but also some Baileys flavoured ones....they were scrummy.

Well that's about it for today...memo to self ....tomorrow is Saturday!...if you have a chance this weekend pop over and have a look at the online shop and the online auction.

8 visitors have commented:

Audrey said...

Good choice Ruth, garden...corner unit...wise choice :)

I heard that whoop in Aberdeen by the way, those calls where you are put on hold are so frustrating at the best of times...

Delighted you had some lovely surprises today, well deserved, and with regard to the collage, without a doubt you will have captured the essence of Mick, thats love and the picture of your girls says it all.

Have a good weekend, some respite and relaxation in the deserve it, make timexxxx

talj said...

Lovely post Ruth, so good to read you had so many nice surprises today and that you and girls (and Chris) have had a good evening {{{HUGS}}} to you all xxx

Of course Andrew or myself will take a photo of the collage for you'll give Andrew something to do when we are getting into all the 'girly' talk! ;o)

I'm heading to bed now, I promise! Need to get a few hours before that wake up call {{{BIG HUGS}}} xxxx

Libbys Blog said...

It was so lovely talking to you yesterday (Friday!!) it was as if it was such a natural thing to do and we had done it loads of times before!! It won't be the last!
I think the collage of pics of Mick sounds a wonderful idea especialy if it will end up on your wall as well!
Have fun in your garden this weekend!! {{hugs}}

Gledwood said...

NutNut used to have collapsing bathroom units and a magical falling down shower curtain as well ...

Sheila said...

It shows how busy things have been Ruth if you misplaced a whole day !! The collage is a beautiful idea, and a photograph of it will make a lovely framed picture.
How lovely that you had a nice chat with Libby.
Hope you enjoyed those profiteroles..we don't get Bailey's fair...!

Peaceful/Paisible said...

I just came to give you your week-end kiss and hug
love from Mousie and beware of the shelves!!!!!

CG said...

Those profiteroles sound good! Hope you managed to fix the bathroom unit.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful hearing about your day - and looking forward to seeing your photos.