- The warmth of sunshine on winter bleached skin
- The soft low rumble of mating frogs
- The gentle lapping of rippling water
- The lonesome song of a love lorn sparrow in a naked tree
- The gentle hum of a solitary bee
- The perfume of the hyacinth wafting on a gentle breeze
- The sweet taste on sticky lips of strawberry ice
Close your eyes;
imagine those words;
feel them deep within your soul.
Thank have just spent the morning with Ruth & Mick
6 visitors have commented:
Wow, first twice in 5 minutes! But I can't keep up with you, as I'm still dealing with the 'you' of 2 posts ago....I must tell you that I am much more content with and for this you than the other. All those words - reinforced by their pictures - add up to one enormous simplicity. And one gigantic wealth. Just drink/lick it all up. And may there be more of the same or similar tomorrow & tomorrow &...SXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Thank you! Lovely tranquil moment, and I love your photos x
What a lovely day you have had!! Thank you for little me spend it with you!!! :o) {{{BIG HUGS}}} to you both xx
Thank you!!! and what a beautiful morning it was Ruth, have to say Ive never heard the soft low rumble of mating frogs.......must get out more perhaps......LOL
Wishing you lots more of that sunshine
x Auds
How poetic and very tranquil!
How lovely, ruth xxx
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