Seeing this gap reminded me that the last time we walked out the council were cutting the tree down.
From a distance I thought there was a crow's nest in this tree
on closer inspection I realised it was a ball
made me smile as under the tree is this sign!
Don't buy awkward things to carry home when you are on your own with Mick and pushing a wheelchairI bought this new cutlery drawer in the Co-Op and already had the wheelchair shopping bag full of shopping so tried balancing it on Mick's lap. The pavements are so bumpy though and after it had fallen off three times I wedged it in the top of my handbag
I must admit it did make the chair awkward to push. There are just some things one NEEDS to have...and a new cutlery drawer was one of them
and FRESH Brussel Sprouts were another!!!!
We arrived back home not long before Manda came in for lunch....she was pleased we had managed to get out....she knows I get a bit stir crazy after a few days. We have one relative who expresses complete surprise (tinged with disgust) that I take Mick out or sit him in the garden. But as I said to Manda when she came in..."Does Mick look any worse for our trip out?"....her reply "Not at all...he looks more contented!" The relatives attitude reminds me of when I was fighting to get a wheelchair from the NHS.........one of the O.T. staff actually said to me when I explained that I needed a chair so that I could sit Mick in the garden or go for a walk....."OH...erm...but it's more normal to leave terminal cases in bed!" ....so similar to the "it's not worth it" attitude I've fought for 22 months.
8 visitors have commented:
GO RUTH!!!! The choice to have a wheelchair should be down to YOU and Mick, how they dare suggest you can't have something for the kind of reasons you stated is just disgusting! Please don't get me started on the b*stards in the NHS. Sorry but really, there is no other word for them.
So pleased you managed to get out and I need to admit now that I had a little chuckle at you and your cutlery draw LOL Many times I have gone out before November and bought allsorts not really thinking how I'd carry them and use my crutches lol
Now, enjoy putting your bits and pieces in the draw and you and Mick have a lovely afternoon {{{HUGE HUGS}}} xxxx
How very dare you not let the "bien pensant" (right-minded)family etc. tell you what to do!!
I get this picture in my mind of you two struggling along on the 'walk' home, with cutlery tray refusing to sit still and brussels sprouts rolling down the road. Lining the whole way is a multitude of onlookers, voicing their self-righteous disapproval, criticising in chants, waving banners, and possibly singing Land of Hope & Glory, with the riot police in full gear on handy stand-by. And not one of them thinks to lift a single little piggie to help. No curtains move, because they don't need to - everyone is on the street. I hope you can get out much more often, if only because it does so much good and help you to stay sane, rather than stagnating. Take it from one who knows! Those brussels look very enticing, BTW!
As I try to thinkup ingenious inventions to make the trip easier, how about side-oanniers on the wheel-chair? Is that possible without making it too heavy to push?
Lover to you both SXXXXXXX
Hi Talj; I've now got nice clean drawers....LOL
Sx; I think you've got that spot on....you heard the chanting all the way from Portugal!...LOL
Nice idea to have side-panniers but it would make the chair too wide I think; some pavements,shop aisles and doorways are very narrow
I would hope that should I be in Mick's position, someone who loved me would take me out in the fresh air, regardless of what other people might think!!! {{HUGS}}
*sigh* Plain and simple... the majority of western doctors can't see the forest for the trees... when I was a young girl a cousin of mine was in a serious car accident that left him in a coma. The docs, in their infinite wisdom, told my family they were "wasting their time" by talking to him... go with your instinct, Ruth. Mick is lucky to have you!!!!
The hospice that Mom's in has the same (bad) attitude...our loved ones are still very much alive and the feeling of the cool breeze on their cheeks and the sounds of the birds can comfort them as well. They NEVER get Mom out of bed and I'm beginning to be more vocal about her "quality" of life in there. I brought some of her favorite music in for us to listen to at night.
Good for you....I'm sure it's an awful lot of work for you but makes Mick's life much better to change the scenery/feel/sounds.
Thanks for all your support. Debs; I can't believe they NEVER get your Mum out of bed...I know it can be a difficult thing to do especially if like Mick the person can't help but I would have thought that with staf about it would be an easier thing for them to do than it is for me. Even if Mick is in bed all day I always make sure I get him dressed; it's one way of making life seem more "normal" for him. I find that Mick will react to certain music or the sound of a familiar programme on the TV..especially football. To me that proves that inside he is still here! I am very much a believer that quality of life is more important than quantity...I know it's what Mick would prefer.
Ruth, I've made a couple of starts on a comment here, but it smacks of 'soapbox'...so instead I will just say, Thank Goodness Mick has you..!
From what I've read about the two of you here, he would be quite amused about the cutlery drawer fiasco.
Him still being here, is testament to your selfless TLC.
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