Saturday, March 03, 2007


No time for a proper post today; just a little reminder of the beautiful flowers that Talj and Andrew sent Mick and I;

and a little reminder that the donation box is in the sidebar. Have a wonderful weekend!

5 visitors have commented:

talj said...

What beautiful photos you have taken Ruth. So glad to see they are still doing so well, I get the feeling they are in good hands!! :o) Hope you and Mick have a lovelyu day {{{BIG HUGS}}} to you both xx

CG said...

Flowers are lovely, Ruth, have a great day :)

Icarus said...

Can't stop now, Ruth. Have to do something for Mick's birthday!!
Go to your inbox when you can.

Have an absolutely brilliant weekend!

Claire said...

I hope he likes it and you both have a great day tomo!

mrsnesbitt said...

Have a great day, Love to Mick.