Glad I got that out of my system!!!! I must admit though I almost used the catch phrase of another Catherine Tate Show character, Joannie "Nan" Taylor (the foul-mouthed grandmother who constantly swears at and criticises other people) "What a f***ing liberty"!
Mick did well yesterday with his food and managed to eat all his breakfast and almost all of his dinner. Later in the evening (well it was more early morning) he had a bowl of rice pudding! Today we have Lynn coming for the day, her friend Lou is doing a charity run tomorrow in aid of a leukaemia charity so Lynn is going back home to cheer her on. We also have Mick's brother Ron and his wife Brenda visiting so it will be quite a full house. Well I'd better get the kettle on, Lynn will have left home at 5am and should be here soon; in fact she is at the door now!!! and I'm still in my nightclothes!!!!!!!