Tuesday, February 20, 2007


You may have seen comments in my comment boxes from Talj; not only does she have a lovely blog with some great photos but she is also raising money for the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology (look in my sidebar for more information); a cause very close to her heart. Mick and I have made a small donation and have decided that, in order to swell the coffers even more, we will donate a further 50p a comment on this post up to a limit of £25 (wish it could be more)......

so come on folks.......WE NEED 50 COMMENTS....it'll only take a moment of your time.


Rose's Dad, Andrew, is upping the stakes and donating 50p for comments 51 to 100...........I'll keep this post at the top of my blog until we reach the target.


Keep up the good work folks; special thanks to those of you who are mentioning this on their own blogs; I shall, over the course of time, visit you all (as long as my pc doesn't throw another wobbly!)

please leave a comment





123 visitors have commented:

Sheila said...

Hello Ruth and Mick..
I was just going to have a quick look around my blog pals this morning as I've lots to do..not leave comments. How could I pass this by and not say hello, and good luck with the campaign.
All the best..
Back to packing..!

davidsmeaton said...

Talj is ultra cool ... and i think this is a great idea. kudos to you for helping out and donating money.

good luck with the fundraising. i'll do my best to do my share! :)

all the best


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Talj is an amazing person despite her trials and tribulations over the past months she is still caring for others. A worthy cause. Hope you get your 50 comments, I aam sure you will.


Anonymous said...

Hi mummy
I just want everybody to know what an amazing lady you really are - not only are you giving daddy the most wonderful care anybody could give but you are also fundraising for others - you never put yourself first - sitting here with tears in my eyes just thankful to have you in my life - I love you loads x Good luck with the fund raising xxxx Anchovies at the weekend!!!!

Anna Ridley said...

Hello to you!

What a wonderful and thoughtful idea this is -- bless you!


talj said...

Ruth, I was so touched by your post here today. What an amazing idea! You are a wonderfully kind and caring lady and your courage and strength is an inspiration not only to myself but all those who read your blog and have the privilige of knowing you!

Thank you so much for all your support, it means much more to me than I can express here {{{HUGS}}} xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Ruth & Mick,

Rose is my daughter and I'd just like to thank-you both for your kind donation and this wondefull blog you have started.

If you ever want to chat to me I'd be happy to talk.

We hope to have a tribute page up for Rose on the Clatterbridge site shortly.

Since this is such a good idea lets see if we can get another 50 comments (I'll donate 50p for comments 51-100).

Thanks again,

RUTH said...

Thanks Andrew and great to "meet" you. Looking forward to later in the year seeing photos of you in top hat and tails. I'll update this post so my visitors know we are aiming for 100 now!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful campaign this is. Here's a comment and lots of encouragement. I've followed your blog a bit and understand that you have a pretty difficult life also. It's wonderful that you're reaching out to help others like this.

Anonymous said...

If Natalya says it's a good thing, then it's a good thing!

Claire said...

Already here Ruth! was just putting the tea on!
Great Post and a great campaign!

Anonymous said...

It's important not to feel alone , I know that very well...
As human beings we share many feelings , no matter where one lives , no matter the color of the skin or other differences.

Thank you for the excellent idea !
It's so nice to find great people around the world !
And special thanks to Natalya , you're wonderful !

Peaceful/Paisible said...

Lynn is so right, you're a great lady Ruth, you teach us so many things hope you'll get signatures
love from Mousie

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth and Mick,
Natalya told me about your campaign, lovely and great idea. Good luck with the fundraising

Anonymous said...

your blog is beautiful, my mum told me to visit you...she's Mousie, my name is Thomas and I go back to England soon...may be I am Cortobeille also!!!!!!!!
good luck for the campaign
bye Ruth and Mick

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth & Mick
I am Natalya's mum. It is so thoughtful of you to support Tal and her friend Andy in raising money in his daughter, Rose's, memory. I know that Tal has drawn great strength from connecting with people over the last difficult 19 months. Thank you for being there and I wish you and your family peace and love.
Kind Regards, Diane Jagger

CG said...

All the very best from julie, phil and the girls xxxx

Anonymous said...

count me in :-)
God bless you..

Anonymous said...

hi mum, really enjoy reading your blog each day and catching up with all the things that cant be said in a text or phonecall. how lovely to be fundraising for someone else's worthy cause when you have more than enough on your plate anyway. your a star. love you loads xxxx

Jenny said...

What a wonderful thing to do - I'm glad to help by commenting (usually I visit but don't comment - but I do visit almost every day!)

Audrey said...

Ruth.......your a very special lady

Off to rally the troops to this great cause.

Have the best of days, you deserve it X x X and big hugs for you and Mick (((((((:)))))))

Anonymous said...

Talj is truly a beautiful lady, both inside and out. I'm thankful to have her as a friend and delighted to help a wonderful cause. Best of luck, prayers on behalf of everyone :-)

Anonymous said...

Natalya~ The sun still shines on your kitchen wall, I hope? May God bless your endeavors and comfort you... from your friend in va.

Ancientimages said...

Hello from Colorado. Talj is spreading the word about your campaign, and I wanted to offer some encouragement as well. Want you to know I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Take good care!

Jen P. said...

Anything for Andi! :) This is such a wonderful thing you all are doing. This little comment is the least I can do. I only wish I could do more. Cheers to you all!

Anonymous said...

What a great cause. Good luck with collecting your 100 comments and with the fund raising in general!

Icarus said...

Good on you both & thanks for letting me know. Already I'm thinking up ways to drum up more numbers! Is there a deadline?
Between us I'm sure we can surpass the 50, or is it 100?

Jeanette said...

Hello Ruth and Mick
Your are supporting a wonderful cause.
Good luck with your campaign. Hugs

Gledwood said...

Hey - it hasn't popped me down the popupblocker today... I take it you mean 50/100 from INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE?? Otherwise I don't mind keep saying hello at all!!

I fully support cancer charities. Macmillan Nurses sound wonderful.

Also (& I speak as an animal lover) I would still allow animal testing. Sorry if this offends anyone. I think making animals suffer in any way is disgusting ... but life is disgusting too.

Another cause I support is Hospices. I really do believe there comes a time when doctors should just leave the suffering and dying alone and let them have their diamorphine and the nursing they need. And so what if a shot of diamorphine hastens death by 20 minutes... honestly. Why that should even be an issue is beyond me. Euthanasia is another matter. Paliative care and LIBERAL massive doses of painkillers I'm all for. Speaking as one who's experienced diamorphine "recreationally" - I don't mean to sound sick but this is true I can vouch it does work. And no-one who needs it (I'm talking sick people here) should ever be denied. Or made to wait. And I've heard horrible stories about that (Friday evening. Shift change. IDIOT doctor didn't write it up. TWO HOUR wait with someone in agony for a simple diamorph shot. Honestly that is so DISGUSTING to me ...) Well I'm going to shut up now Ruth.

Take it easy.


Anonymous said...

Hi hon! I found your blog before. Just wanted to support the cause!!

Lots of love now


Bob said...

Cancer is a terrible illness not just for the person afflicked by it but also for anyone close to that person. Any of us can fall prey to it.

Anonymous said...

Natayla told me about the fundraising campaign. Let me just say that there is strength in numbers - and with a large amount of supportive & caring people, cancer in all it's forms, will eventually be conquered & cured.
All the best and good luck with the campaign.


diana said...

I saw your request on Women on the Verge. I hope you won't mind my commenting. I wish you all the luck with your husband. I see the comments from your mom and daughter. You are incredible blessed to have so many deep loves in your life and to have found your husband. No doubt that is what has extended his 2 month sentance to over 1 1/2 years!! Truly wish you the best.

Haize said...


Not seen your blog before, but I'll have an explore whilst I'm here to "help" Talj's fundraising :-)


Women on the Verge said...


You and Mick are such an inspiration to me. Your strength and courage are a beacon in a bleak world :-)


Anonymous said...

This such a fantastic idea mum.I know how hard it is when you feel that there is nothing you can do when something so tragic happens to someone you love, but there is great strength in numbers and seeing all these lovely comments helps me to remember that we are not alone and that, sometimes, the smallest of gestures, even leaving a comment, can mean so very much. Love you always
Cherub xxxx

Karen said...

Posting for Natalya and Andi....good luck!

Gledwood said...

I could go on there are a lot of things about the treatment of people in hospital I find objectionable. Waiting hours for an injection because it hasn't been written up is just one of them.

One case in point that I saw with my own eyes was this: an old man. I expect too young to be considered "geriatric" so was put in a general (mental) ward. Could barely walk. All the nurses hated him because he was in the habit of biting them etc.

On consideration (& I did think of this a lot) whether a patient bites, pisses all over or does whatever to staff ESPECIALLY a psychiatric patient should have no bearing on the care they get.

This man was utterly neglected. On one occasion was just left on toilet with trousers round ankles with door open for over 20 minutes.

Every night they used to come in at about 4am (the nurses), shine a torch on him, demand "wet or dry?" (ie do we need to change your sheets?) then swan out. If wet he was left for maybe another half hour while someone gathered themself together enough to be bothered to change said sheets.

The way this man was neglected so purposefully was utterly disgusting. I only wish I had been mentally together enough to make a formal complaint. And unfortunately this was just before the era of camera phones or I could have got damning evidence quite easily.

Only one nurse ever bothered to take the time to care for this man. He behaved like a puppy dog with her. Just shows what a difference an attitude can make.

Gledwood said...

O I had an idea. Remember my horrorscopes competition? Got about 58 comments in a day?? You could always try posing a question/doing something like that.

Gledwood said...

I'm posting your url & details of what you're doing in my today's posting as soon as I get round to actually posting it up!!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful way to remember a fine person and greatly loved daughter. My best to you both T & A!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything. My dad died recently from Bladder cancer and anything anyone can do to help combat this awful disease is great. Well done to you for trying!

leftdog said...

Tip o' the hat to you for your work on this! Greetings from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your campaign, we wish you every success.

best regards

on behalf of
Talk Photography Site Staff

Márcia W. said...

Good luck with the campaign! I guess the comments here are worth much more than a few cents: they all carry good vibes to you all!Warmest regards

Women on the Verge said...

First of all, I admire what you are doing and wish you luck. Secondly, thank you for visiting our blog and leaving encouraging words.

Gledwood said...

Hey you only need 3 more after me to get to the £50... I couldn't get back in to comment as broadband went down, kicking me off my connection. Then I couldn't log back into my blogger account AT ALL for over an hour... finally managed to get back in... I've posted up telling people to go straight to yours with their comments.

Gledwood said...

So let's see how obedient they all are... am I cheeting by doing this? I did accidentally forget the end of my last sentence to drag one comment into two...

Anonymous said...

Here's another for the box. Praise thanks to Gledwood for that.

Women on the Verge said...

gledwood.. you're incorrigible...

(gleds... do you think that put it over??)


Women on the Verge said...

gledwood.. you're incorrigible...

(gleds... do you think that put it over??)


His Holiness said...

And here's yet another comment. thank ron knee for that he's a right git! I love him anyway!

Mai Brinkmann said...

think this is a great idea or as we say i denmark

alletiders ide

Anonymous said...

Hey Mum, I hope that computer is behaving itself. If it doesn't just tell it that I will sort it if it doesn't play ball, normally works when at the office, they get scared at the thought of me touching it

Great site & a wonderful cause

I had tears in my eyes while going through it

Louise & I will come & visit after we get back from South Africa so give Mick a big hug }{ from us & have one for yourself as well }{

I always wonder how you do it all, but then your supermum so can do anything, love to all

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth and Mick,

Its Nicky (Rob's friend!!) I have been admiring your blog, he passed it on to me, hope you don't mind. I am very impressed! Keep it up and I will keep one eye on it, nice to hear how you are all doing.

Take care,

Nicky xXx

Rosemary said...

My DH and I both have GERD, a chronic form of acid reflux. My hubby's was so bad that he would have trouble swallowing. I finally got him to go to the Gastroenterologist. He treated the GERD and stretched his scarred esophagus. After the GERD was settled down, the Dr. suggested that DH have a colonoscopy as well, considering his age. The routine colonoscopy showed cancer in the lower colon, almost at the rectum, even though he was having no symptoms of problems there at all!

The surgeon said if DH had not had the colonoscopy when he did, he probably would have died.

So, I can certainly endorse any cancer charity!!!

TomCat said...

Came to comment from Women on the Verge

Elsie said...

You are really amazing, Ruth and an inspiration to all of us.

My father died from prostrate cancer 8 months ago to the day and so I endorse this campaign with all my heart

Stay well


grumpygit said...

That Gledwood bloke said leave you a comment. So, here it is ;-)

Deb said...

Job well done!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ruth & Mick. Came to your blog thru Women on the Verge. Quite a moving story.Your dedication is to be commended. The closest I can come to this kind of situation was the care my father-in-law gave my wifes mom when she became totally paralized with MS. It takes an extraordinally caring & strong person. Good luck in your endevor!!!

Evil Spock said...

Good luck with your campaign!

Zippy said...

Hi Ruth and Mick,

Good luck with the fundraising. It's for a very good cause!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Best wishes on this campaign. Your friend gledwood pointed me your way and I am happy to contribute. And greetings to your from Canada.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi, just came by to leave a commet.
I found your site from Women on the Verge

Gene Bach said...

Hey there Ruth!! You bet I'll come over here and make a comment. I'll go back over to my blog and post up there and maybe we can get some more folks over here to help out.

Tell Mick I said hey there too!


The Ancient Mariner said...

Greetings from Kuala Lumpur.

My very best wishes on this campaign. Your friend Gledwood pointed me your way and I am happy to contribute. Lets all hope and pray some day soon a cure can be found for cancer.

Best regards..

Toccata said...

Gledwood sent me over here so this comment is for him and in memory of my brother.

Anonymous said...

Hello from San Diego, CA I have been blog surfing and I landed on this site and of course I had to leave a comment. What a wonderful lady you are. You have such a big job to do now with Mike so ill. You have my prayers and best wishes. patsyann.wordpress.com

Auntie Noo said...

This blog of yours touches me time after time Ruth. Good luck with this fund raise. You are a kind and generous woman!

Libbys Blog said...

I have never met you and only know you through blogging! I believe I have found a new friend! I admire you so much Ruth you put alot of us to shame with everything you do.
Love and {{hugs}}


Selina said...

Sending love to Ruth and Mick.

I know how difficult it can be at times. My mum had breast cancer 4 years ago and I'm lucky that she has made a good recovery. But now my nan (mum's mum) was diagnosed the week before christmas with terminal lung and bone cancer and has been told she has about 9 months.

I am touched by the courage and dignity shown by all of those whos lives are affected by cancer.

I wish you well in your fundraising.

Selina xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Ruth & Mick ...

I would like to wish you every success in your generaous campaign ... wonderful people like you make the world a better place ... !

Very best wishes ...

(The Green One ... !)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ruth & Mick ...

I would like to wish you every success in your very generous campaign ... wonderful people like you make the world a much better place ... !

Good luck & very best wishes ...

(The Green One ... !)

Shaz said...

Well done on supporting such a worth while charity. I've just popped in from Claire's "A Little Piece of Me" . . . .good luck to you all x x

Anonymous said...

Hello Ruth and Mick

Good to see all these comments Audrey sent me, Im happy to add another..

All the best Alan

Anonymous said...

Ive been reading your blog and Im very moved by your story

Good luck with the campaign

Therese ( Audreys daughter )

Not Your Mama said...

Best of luck to you with this.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you all & well done for all of your effort & determination. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your fundraising. Talj is a wonderful person who is a real friend to those who know and care.


Anonymous said...


Shown this page by Talj, and I'd just like to say good luck with the campaign, and keep up the good work :)


Gledwood said...

81 comments... well it's 82 now...

J said...

GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL THAT YOU DO Talj, you are an asset to the human race.


Honan The Librarian said...

Great idea - good luck with the fund raising.

Bernard Shuford said...

I think this is a great effort and I wish you the very best as you do it.

Anonymous said...

Good luck and our prayers our with you!

Tim & Aimee & Aidan & Rowan (The Clan of Too)

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you. It's a wonderful thing that you are doing.
God bless you all!


Sylvia said...

There was a link on Turning The Pages of Life to your site. I had to visit and read your blog. I want to wish you good luck with your campaign. I intend to bookmark your page so I can keep updated. Keep up the good work.

Scott M. Frey said...

thanks for your efforts to help cure cnacer and support those who struggle with this disease... it touches us all and I am grateful for people like you who are trying to do something about it!

God Bless

Christina S said...

Great idea to raise money Ruth, good for you! And enjoy your apple pancakes tonight!

Nicole said...

Good luck Ruth and Mick!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck ruth with your fundraising virtual {{{hugs}}} from me!

Germaine said...

Best of luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Anything to help such a great cause. Really wonderful you are doing this! A fantastic idea!!


Carlos said...

All the luck to you and bless you all.
Thanks for the tip Stewart.

Anonymous said...

here's my 2cents worth - or should I say 50p's worth!

What a great idea - only 4 more to go for the 100.

David said...

Bless you for this project, a very giving use of your blog.

Sonya said...

Great project.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

nearly there

talj said...



dot said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing!!

RUTH said...

So glad it was you talj

Anonymous said...

Well, special thanks must go to Ruth, Talj and everbody that took a moment to comment here, who said virtual friends are not as good as 'real' friends? Thank-you all.

I do hope people took a moment or two to view the rest of Ruth's blog? it really is inspiring!

Again, many thanks to you all (and lets not stop commenting)

Best regards,

RUTH said...

Thanks Andrew....looking forward to seeing you all in Top Hat & Tails in August.

Shaz said...

Well done Ruth, Talj & Andrew & everyone who has supported them (self included of course . . lol)

Wayward Son said...

Gleds asked me to donate a comment or two here but I fear I may be too late... or maybe not. I am apt to do anything he suggests because he would only suggest a good thing to do.

I am in awe of your good nature and will support your causes in any way I can.

If this opportunity comes around again, please let me know for I have endless comments for a good cause.

Until then, I'll add you to my blog roll and keep checking back!



Terri said...

Hi Ruth, I found your blog via another blogger who was asking people to drop in and comment! So glad I did too.
will remember you and yours in my prayers tonight xx

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what number you are up to so far, but I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

The power of the internet is amazing - what a wonderful way to raise money for your particular cause.

Sending love and best wishes

Crazy Working Mom said...

What an awesome thing you've got going on! Keep up the great work!
I came from Gene Bach's page. :)

mrsnesbitt said...

I too fear I am too late, my pc has been playing up, but I am here now, via talj, who I am hoping to meet up with one day as we are not far from each other.

Anonymous said...

Tal you are an amazing caring person....good luck with the campaign...
Lots of Love
Lucy & Gareth
xxx xxx xxx

Heather Joins the Round said...

Best of luck with your fund raising!

Unknown said...

Hello Ruth and Mick
Good luck with your campaign.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the fundraising, i'm sure you'll do it!

Michelle said...

Don't know if it is too late to add more comments or if you want more but I'll toss mine in to the mix.

Best of luck with everything.

RUTH said...

To all of you who have added comments since the 100 mark many thanks...although this particular are of fund raing is over (unless you know someone who would sponsor it some more)...it is kind of you lend your support.

Anonymous said...

gbFOZ9 You have a talant! Write more!

Anonymous said...

cneb8Z actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

7uv9kF The best blog you have!

Anonymous said...

9YGAn2 Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!