I woke up early this morning really excited at the prospect of a trip to town. I put on the radio very quietly so as not to wake Mick. I wanted to catch the weather forecast and had fingers crossed it wouldn't say rain!
Mother Nature smiled down on me and the sun rose into a sea of blue sky.
Mick woke and ate a double helping of porridge! I was so pleased as I knew I wouldn't have to worry that he would feel hungry while we were out. It was a really pleasant walk into town and quite warm in the sun.
You can tell I haven't been out much....I kept saying things like "Oh look a bird" ......."Can you see that Virburnum in flower".................."See that plane up there"
"Oh look at that tree"....................... as though I'd never seen one before!!!
All my "Ohhing and Ahhing" quite amused Manda and Chris but when I said.................
"Oh look a puddle!"........I think they started to worry about my sanity!!!!!!
We had almost reached the town when we saw this chap in the white shirt jogging.............
We went into "Thing me bobs" of my favourite shops......................They have all sorts of everything in there and we must have spent almost an hour browsing......and BUYING of course. I'd been very efficient and made a list of all the February and March birthdays and all the silly little things that I can't get (cheaply) at our local fuses, hooks, off the shelf spectacles,printer paper.......the list goes on and on.................
We also got to the ALDI; another brilliant shop with a fabulous range of well priced foodstuffs.
By the time we'd finished there were plenty of full bags to carry
Thank goodness we had Chris with us!!!
Though Mick carried the MOST important things.....some primroses to brighten up the living room (I'll plant them in the garden once we have enjoyed their blooms).
We were all pretty whacked by the time we thought about going home. I thought we'd have a go at catching the bus; if you're VERY lucky and get to the front of the queue you can get on one with a wheelchair. There was a bus at the bus park when we got there but typically the bus driver hurriedly looked away when he saw us and closed the doors and sped off (despite the fact that one of Manda's friends on the bus was obviously trying to tell the driver that someone wanted to get on!) We've had that happen in the past; the attitude of bus drivers we've encountered hasn't been very compassionate. In the last 18 months a bus driver has NEVER put the ramp down for us to make it easier to get Mick on the bus; the ramps are always mysteriously out of order!!! The next bus was due in 30 minutes and although it wouldn't take us much longer than that to walk home; with all that shopping and Mick having to endure more bumpy pavements we decided to "sit it out". Unfortunately the next bus didn't arrive and we ended up waiting almost an HOUR before one did.........but we are home safe and sound which is the important thing....and Mick managed a quick yogurt before he fell asleep.
The end of a beautiful day
5 visitors have commented:
Oh what a beautiful day you have had!! The guy in his jogging outfit really made me laugh and you certainly did some good shopping in Aldi!!! :o) Lovely pictures today too Ruth! :o)
I love Aldi and wish we had one in Bury St Edmunds!
Oh, the joys of the Suffolk transport system. They're always missing buses out!!
Glad you had a wonderful time going downtown - and I enjoyed the song too! Always liked "Downtown."
So glad you had such a good day, you must have been whacked by the time you got home. I was smiling as I read your commentary, they say that is the way to live life fully be present and notice all the little things.....puddles included lol....its sad that you have to face such attitudes re the ignorance and downright rudeness of some bus drivers, I and my colleuges came across this with a lady we support who is disabled, WE COMPLAINED LOUDLY to the bus company,letting them know which particular bus it happened on and have over time noticed a change..grrrrrrr As for off the shelf specs did you know Primark do 2pairs for £2.......I now am the proud owner of 6 sets of glasses and still lose them on a regular
Have a wonderful day today
P.S. Did I say the photos of the skies are just beautiful, the sunrise and sunsets you capture always are
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